Publication covers

The Office of Marketing and College Relations tells the story of Mount Carmel College of Nursing, and engages with our stakeholders and the community through publications, special events, and by communicating with journalists, broadcasters, bloggers and tweeters to provide media releases, facts, interviews, videos, photos, and more.

Contact Us

Our professional staff is here to tell the story of how our students and faculty impact the lives of those in our community. If you have a story to tell or are looking for facts or people to help you write a story, we’d like to hear from you.


Story telling is our life’s calling and we tell the stories of our active and engaged alumni, our superior and dedicated faculty, and engaged and enthusiastic students. We invite you to get to know them today.


Special events are important milestone markers and we believe in making them special and memorable. See how special our events are.

The News

We not only create news by releasing information about our programs, faculty, students and events, we also follow the news. We keep abreast of what’s trending and what’s predicted in the profession of nursing. There’s something happening at Mount Carmel College of Nursing and in the profession of nursing every day.

Why Choose Us


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


years of educating nurses


average class size