Among all students anticipation is running high for the end of the 2017-2018 academic year that is fast approaching. But the level of expectancy and...

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students, Greetings! Spring has finally arrived, and with it a flurry of activity as students, faculty and staff prepare...

Three sisters—Diamond, Angel, and Gold – of the family of Akabuaku – will be together for the Campus Ministry Washington, D.C.,...

Rho Omicron welcomed members and guests to the February 19 general membership meeting where they enjoyed networking, lunch and an engaging...

SNAM-Lancaster sponsored a "baby shower" for needed baby items for the Lighthouse, a local shelter for families who are recovering from domestic...

The MCCN-Lancaster campus enjoyed a Spring Fling on Tuesday, March 20. Students colored Easter eggs, had fun with a photo booth, and won a few Easter...

Congratulations to the following students for winning door prizes at the Spring Wellness Festival, which was held on Monday, March 26.

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