The Carmel Rapper

November 29, 2022

Interim President’s Message

Allan Hoffman

“When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect towards others.”

—Dalai Lama

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. It’s traditionally a day when we reflect on what we are grateful for in life. There’s great value in practicing gratitude all year around, rather than on a single day during the year. Here are seven scientifically proven benefits:

  1. Gratitude opens the door to more relationships...
  2. Gratitude improves physical health...
  3. Gratitude improves psychological health...
  4. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression...
  5. Grateful people sleep better...
  6. Gratitude improves self-esteem...
  7. Gratitude increases mental strength...

Taking the time to feel gratitude can help improve your emotional well-being by helping you cope with stress. Specifically, gratitude helps regulate the stress hormone cortisol. Keeping that in check improves cardiac function. One study even found that gratitude was linked to fewer signs of heart disease.

Research has shown that gratitude is the single most powerful method of increasing happiness.

Take time to be grateful every day. It’s good for you!

Allan Hoffman

Allan Hoffman
Interim President

MCCN Accepted as Pilot School for AACN Grant

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has awarded MCCN the grant for A Competency-Based Approach to Leadership Development and Resilience for Student Nurses, funded by Johnson & Johnson. The grant will advance the preparation of baccalaureate nursing program graduates with learning experiences that foster resilience, self-care, and well-being, as well as new leadership skills to meet competency expectations outlined in the 2021 AACN Essentials.

Expectations for the pilot schools are:

  • Identify one or two primary contacts/lead faculty for the initiative
  • Participate in a virtual orientation session to be scheduled early in December
  • Participate in a virtual Collaborative Community, which will occur approximately once a month
  • Integrate resilience, well-being, and leadership development learning and assessment strategies into the curriculum during the Winter/Spring 2023 semester with at least one cohort of baccalaureate students
  • Evaluate use of learning strategies, resources, and assessment outcomes
  • Share outcomes and additional learning strategies and assessment methods implemented and outcomes.

Digi-Know: Notes from you Instructional Designer

Digi-Know that course design should consider a principle called the 90-20-8 rule? This rule is meant as a guideline for how we design classes and training around time. Ninety minutes is the typical time that an adult can listen to a single presentation. Beyond 90 minutes, significant breaks should be provided. Within those 90 minutes, 20 minutes is the maximum amount of time we should spend before changing the pace or topic. In those chunks, we should engage learners every eight (8) minutes.

These rules became popular around 2015, but events in the world and in education suggest that these numbers might be even lower today. For online synchronous learning, a 60-10-4 rule is the suggested breakdown. Are we required to strictly stick to this rule? Not necessarily. However, we should keep the principle in mind while planning our classes and trainings.


Congratulations MCCN Faculty and Staff

Hannah O'Handley, MSN, RN, CPNP, associate professor; Thelma Patrick, PhD, RN, director of Research and Scholarship; Miriam Bowers-Abbott, MA, associate professor; Kathryn Sutherland, DNP, RN, associate professor; Meghan Hixenbaugh, MS, RN, CPN, assistant professor; and Barbara Welch, DNP, RN, EBP-C, assistant professor, Simulation Education coordinator, have had their presentation “Best Practice in Virtual Simulation” accepted to be presented at the 2023 OLN Education Summit on March 24, 2023.


Congratulations to the Chili Cookoff Winners

A big hearty thanks to all who participated in this year’s chili cookoff. The morning competition was won by Rosanna Bumgardner, EdD, RN, associate professor. The afternoon competition was won by (an accidental crockpot mix of) Cora Arledge, DNP, RN, associate dean, interim director of Accelerated Programs, and Kim Loscko, DVM, associate professor. Stay tuned for details on the February Soup-er Soup Showdown!

Library Update


Holiday Happening at Your Library!

Join your fellow students, faculty, and staff for festive and informative happenings from noon to 2 p.m., and 4 to 5 p.m., Monday, November 28 and Tuesday, November 29, in the library on the 3rd floor. Hosted by the library and MCCN, there will be food, drinks, games, and holiday music. Members of the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Committee will be on hand to demonstrate how much fun EBP can be! Library staff will show you how Library resources and services can help you achieve academic success. Prizes will be awarded. Hope to see you at one of these events!

The Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library (MCHSL) welcomes Yrveline, a Cristo Rey High School student. Yrveline is a freshman and works on Mondays and one Friday a month. Stop by and say hello!

Library Details

Remember, Your Library is here to help. You can connect with the library from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday by:

Use Your Library at Home

As an MCCN student, you automatically have a library account, which gives virtual access to electronic books and journals, databases and other online resources.

Library login credentials are:

  • Username=Last Name
  • Password=Student ID

If you are still having trouble logging in, please contact us, or visit here.

Why Choose Us


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


years of educating nurses