Rho Omicron Chapter of Sigma logo

Sigma: A Lifelong Resource

Sigma membership in both the local chapter and at the international level provides valuable resources designed to meet your specific needs at every stage of your nursing career.

Customize Your Experience

Whether you are starting your career as a nurse or are looking to expand your nursing knowledge, leadership, connection, and grow professionally, Sigma allows you to customize your membership experience.

Connect, engage, learn, grow, and advance with Sigma by:

  • Engaging in mentorship, scholarship, and leadership development experiences.
  • Connecting with a career advisor.
  • Earning continuing nursing education credits.
  • Staying up to date with the latest research and nursing trends through Sigma publications.
  • Interacting with nurses around the globe in discussion groups, conferences, assemblies.
  • Interacting through community service
  • Presenting research and networking with other nurse leaders at Sigma events.
  • Advancing innovation as nurse leaders

Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) changed its brand, logo, and name to Sigma 2018. Sigma a national organization founded in 1922 that is committed to nursing excellence through service, research, leadership, scholarship, knowledge, and professional development all centered on improving world health. Mount Carmel College of Nursing had the honor of establishing its own chapter in April of 2002, Rho Omicron, Chapter of Sigma Honor Society of Nursing.

Faculty members and community nurse leaders who exhibit outstanding achievement in nursing and baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship at Mount Carmel College of Nursing are eligible to join the Rho Omicron chapter of Sigma. Sigma provides leadership and scholarship in practice, education, and research to enhance the health of all people, supporting the learning and professional development of members, who strive to improve nursing care and health of people worldwide.

Rho Omicron chapter activities/benefits locally include the chance to interact with other nurses in your area, serve on committees and assemblies, attend educational offerings, leadership opportunities, professional development, career development, evidence-based nursing, and community service.

International activities/benefits include opportunities to interact with colleagues and benefit from research conferences, biennial conventions, regional assemblies, leadership opportunities, professional research and scholarship, and other nursing and healthcare-related activities.

Rho Omicron Chapter

Rho Omicron Board Officers, 2024–2025

Barbara Barta

Barbara Barta, PhD, RN

Cora Arledge

Past President
Cora Arledge, DNP, B.S.Ed., RN

Barbara Welch

President-Elect and Secretary
Barbara Welch

Cheryl Eads

Cheryl Eads, MSN, RN

Kim Knox

Kim Knox, MSN, RN

Samantha Steensen

Governance Chair
Samantha Steensen, BSN, RN

Kathy Duke, MSN, RN

News Reporter
Kathy Duke, MSN, RN


Membership dues for Sigma and Rho Omicron are comprised of international and chapter

  • International
    • High Income: US $73.00
    • Middle Income: US $29.20
    • Low Income: US $14.60
  • Chapter: $25
  • Inductees: $98

Membership Requirements

Undergraduate Students

  • Must be enrolled in a bachelor’s nursing program or equivalent
  • Achieve academic excellence based on set criteria (minimum 3.0 GPA based on 4.0 scale)
  • Are ranked in upper 35 percent of the graduating nursing class
  • Have completed one-half of the nursing curriculum
  • Meet the expectation of academic integrity
  • RN to BSN Students
    • Must have completed 12 credit hours at current school
    • Have completed one-half of the nursing curriculum
    • Achieve academic excellence based on set criteria (minimum 3.0 GPA based on 4.0 scale)
    • Rank in the upper 35 percent of graduating class
    • Meet the expectation of academic integrity

Graduate Students

  • Have completed one-fourth of the nursing curriculum
  • Achieve academic excellence (minimum 3.5 GPA based on 4.0 scale)
  • Meet the expectation of academic integrity
  • Students in graduate programs who are registered nurses are eligible to be considered to join at any point in their program:
    • Are legally recognized to practice nursing in his/her country
    • Have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or equivalent in any field

Nurse Leaders

Nursing professionals not previously inducted as nursing students and not currently enrolled in a nursing program can also join as a Nurse Leader using the criteria listed below.

  • Be legally recognized to practice nursing in his/her country
  • Have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent in any field
  • Demonstrate achievement and leadership in nursing

Chapter Bylaws

Coming Soon.

International Bylaws

Chapter Website


Join us on Social Media

Note: We are utilizing the hashtag #MCCNRhoOmicron for all posts regarding Rho Omicron.

Why Choose Us


average class size


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


years of educating nurses