For students who are home schooled, the following requirements apply for freshman consideration:

  1. Application: Be sure to indicate “home-schooled” in the section of the application for name of high school.
  2. Application fee of $30
  3. Essay Topic (Select one of the three outlined in the application)
  4. Activities & Interest Resume
  5. Submit a personal statement discussing academic preparation and detailing any unique experiences, academic or otherwise, which speak to the student’s preparation for college.
  6. Submit written verification from the appropriate school district that the student has been excused from compulsory attendance for home education (signed by the school district superintendent).
  7. Submit a transcript or written list, with grades, verifying that the student received the following instruction:
    • 4 English courses
    • 3 Math courses (including Algebra II)
    • 3 Laboratory science courses (including Chemistry and Biology)
    • 3 Social science courses
    • 2 Foreign language courses
    • 1 Visual or performing art course
  8. Submit home school course content descriptions (i.e. syllabi) along with a list of textbooks or other basic teaching materials.
  9. Official GED score report
  10. If the student has taken college courses, provide college transcript
  11. Submit one letter of recommendation from either a coach, employer, pastor, sponsor of an extracurricular activity, or teacher of any kind of private instruction (e.g. music lessons, etc.)

All application materials must be received by the regular freshman application deadline of April 1st.

Non-Ohio residents must follow the above requirements regardless of home state guidelines

The transcript or written list of courses taken must be signed by the school certifier and notarized.

If, due to extenuating circumstances, official records cannot be obtained, the student may petition the Director of Admissions for an interview in order to be considered for admission.

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