HLTH 292: Cultural Competency in Healthcare

3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course is designed to provide the future healthcare professional with current knowledge to care for diverse populations.

HLTH 496: Health Care Systems, Policy & Economics

3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course focuses on health care professions and delivery systems and the influences of economics, health policy, legal and regulatory processes.

HUMN 390: Ethical and Moral Issues

3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course explores a variety of ethical and moral issues that impact the individual, family and community focusing on clarification of individual values and the process of ethical decision-making. Special emphasis is placed on ethical and moral issues impacting the health professions.

NURS 294: Foundations of Health Assessment In Caring Practices

5 credit hours (theory and clinical lab)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course introduces the student to the nursing process with an emphasis on holistic assessment across the life-span and provides opportunities to implement the caring practices of nursing in a variety of settings. Therapeu- tic nursing interventions, including cultural, developmental, nutritional, psychosocial, psychomotor and spiritual are introduced.

NURS 295: Foundations of Caring Health Practices

6 credit hours (theory and clinical and lab)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course presents holistic health interventions from a caring perspective. Client health teaching is implemented. Clinical practice, with a focus on health, is offered in a variety of settings.

NURS 296: Pharmacological Foundations of Caring Health Practices

4 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course focuses on basic concepts of pharmacotherapeutics related to major drug categories. Related nursing manage- ment and health teaching are included.

NURS 350x: Nursing Seminars

2 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

(Two different seminars are required.) A variety of seminars are offered which focus on nursing or health topics that expand the breadth and depth of the study of health care beyond the required program of study. Students have the opportunity to develop greater knowl- edge and skill in the area of interest. Critical thinking, decision making, and self- directed learning undergird these seminars.

NURS 391: Nursing Research

3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course focuses on research process, methodology, and utilization. Emphasis is on the nurse’s role as a consumer of research.

NURS 397: Caring Practices for the Developing Family

5 credit hours (theory and clinical)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course applies knowledge and the nursing process in caring for women and families’ reproductive health issues across the life span. Primary, secondary and tertiary health activities will occur in a variety of settings.

NURS 398: Caring Practices for Mental Health

5 credit hours (theory and clinical)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course applies knowledge and the nursing process in caring for individuals and families with mental health issues and alterations across the life span. Primary, secondary and tertiary health activities are implemented in acute and community settings.

NURS 399: Caring Practices for the Adult I

10 credit hours (theory and clinical)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course provides students with evidence-based knowledge in the management of adults and families experiencing human responses to alterations in fluid and electrlyte imbalance, oxygenation, ventilation, tissue perfusion, digestive function, immunologic function, hormonal regulation, regulatory function, motor sensory function, cellular differentiation (proliferation) and skin function and integrity. The nursing process provides the framework for the practice of nursing with clients of diverse background and in varied settings.

NURS 491: Caring Health Perspectives of Community Health Nursing

4 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course provides a population- focused model of community health nursing. Public health and community health principles are examined. Factors that influence the health of the commu- nity will be examined.

NURS 492: Caring Health Practices Within the Leadership Role

3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course enhances the student’s ability to synthesize nursing concepts in dynamic, interpretive thought processes at a baccalaureate level. Clinical reasoning and clinical judgement serve as the foundation for identification of professional action in complex issues of patient care.

NURS 495: Caring Health Practices for the Adult II

5 credit hours (theory and clinical)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course applies knowledge and the nursing process in caring for human responses of individuals, families, community and populations experienc- ing biological crisis in a variety of settings. It focuses on crisis intervention and use of advanced technologies.

NURS 496: Caring Health Practices for the Older Adult

5 credit hours (theory and clinical)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course applies knowledge and the nursing process in caring for the gerontological population in a variety of settings and focuses on issues related to the phenomenon of aging.

NURS 497: Caring Practices for the Child and Family

5 credit hours (theory and clinical)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course applies knowledge and the nursing process in caring for the pediatric population in a variety of settings with a focus on children’s health issues within the context of family dynamics.

NURS 498: Caring Practices in Transition to the Professional Role

5 credit hours (theory and clinical)

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course focuses on the practical application of integrated knowledge to the practice of professional nursing and provides opportunities for clinical experiences, which facilitate the transition to the professional role in a variety of settings.

SCIE 290: Physiologic Alterations I

3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course focuses on pathophysiology of the human body and includes essen- tial features of disease related to altered cellular and tissue biology and abnor- malities of cellular growth, alterations in skin function and integrity, alterations in defense mechanisms, and alterations in tissue oxygenation.

SCIE 291: Physiologic Alterations II

3 credit hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the Second Degree Accelerated Program

This course focuses on pathophysiology of the human body and includes essential features of disease related to renal function, fluid and electrolyte balance, hormonal regulation, neuro- logic function, musculoskeletal function, and GI and hepatobiliary function.

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