Please be aware of the MCCN course withdrawal Policy. For the purposes of this policy, there are two types of courses: non-nursing courses and nursing courses. Nursing courses include all courses with a prefix of NURS (with the exception of nursing seminars). Non-nursing courses include all other courses taken in the academic program (including nursing seminars).

  • After the course start date, a student must first notify the course instructor and obtain his/her signature prior to submitting an Add/Drop Form to the Office of Records and Registration. Submission of the form is required for official withdrawal from a course.
  • Non-attendance in a course after the withdrawal deadline is considered being absent from the course. Failure to submit a faculty-signed Add/Drop Form will result in a grade being assigned at the conclusion of the course. All course withdrawals are subject to the “Refund Policy” section of the online Catalog-Handbook.
  • A student may drop any course by the end of week 1 and the course will not appear on the student's transcript.
  • A student may withdraw, without academic penalty, from a 16-week semester course by the end of week 12 of the course. A grade of “W” will be posted to the student’s academic transcript.
  • A student may withdraw, without academic penalty, from an 8-week term course by the end of week 6 of the course. A grade of “W” will be posted to the student’s academic transcript.
  • An RN-BSN Completion Program student may withdraw, without academic penalty, from a 6-week session course by the end of week 5 of the course. A grade of “W” will be posted to the student’s academic record.
  • A student may not withdraw from any course after week 12 of a 16-week semester course or week 6 of an 8-week term course or week 5 of a 6-week session course.
  • Summer courses operating on a modified schedule will follow deadlines equivalent to the proportional requirements stated above.
  • A student may withdraw from only one nursing course during the program of study.
  • A student may withdraw from a total of two different non-nursing courses during the program of study.
  • A student who is retaking a course from which he/she has previously withdrawn may not withdraw from that course a second time; a course grade will be assigned at the conclusion of the retake.
  • Withdrawing from a course does not force the student to also withdraw from a co-requisite course.

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