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This webpage is a resource to support all members of our College community. At Mount Carmel College of Nursing, we want to ensure that anyone who has experienced sexual misconduct or any other form of discrimination or harassment based on a protected class, and those who have been accused of the same, to know how the College addresses these issues. On this webpage you will find information regarding available support services, resources, reporting options, College Policies and Procedures, and the College’s legal responsibilities.

MCCN is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning, living, educational, and working environment that is free from gender discrimination and harassment and to creating an environment that promotes responsibility, dignity, and respect in matters of sexual conduct. Title IX prohibits Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation of any kind on the basis of sex. Title IX also prohibits Violence Against Women Act offenses (“Sexual and Interpersonal Offenses”) such as sexual assault, sexual misconduct, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Any person, regardless of gender, can be a victim/survivor of a Title IX violation. This Policy applies to both on-campus and off-campus conduct, academic, educational, co-curricular, and other MCCN programs. Any Title IX violation is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

MCCN Prohibits

  • Sex offenses
  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence
  • Stalking
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Retaliation

Additional Information




  • Title IX Coordinator: 614-234-2341
  • MCCN Security: 614-896-1489


Confidential Reporting Options

  • MCCN Student Behavioral Health Counselor 614-234-4752 or
  • Mount Carmel Crime and Trauma Assistance Program: 614-234-5900
  • Sexual Assault Response Network 24-Hour Rape Helpline: 614-267-7020
  • CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 614-224-4663

Amnesty for Minor Policy Violations

The MCCN community encourages the reporting of misconduct and crimes by reporting parties and witnesses. Sometimes, reporting parties or witnesses are hesitant to report to MCCN officials or participate in resolution processes because they fear that they themselves may be accused of policy violations, such as underage drinking at the time of the incident. It is in the best interests of this community that reporting parties choose to report, and that witnesses come forward to share what they know. To encourage reporting, MCCN allows reporting parties and witnesses amnesty from minor policy violations related to the incident. The use of alcohol or other drugs does not justify sexual misconduct, and a person who was incapacitated due to the use of alcohol or other drugs cannot consent to sexual activity.

Next Steps

Once the Director of Compliance and Safety receives a report of a potential policy violation, the Director will conduct a preliminary assessment of the report. The Director of Compliance and Safety or their designee will conduct an investigation to bring together all facts, conduct interviews with the involved parties, and will include any relevant evidence for the case.

Upon completion of the investigation, and the accused is another MCCN student, the complaint may be referred to the Student Conduct Process below. If the accused is someone other than a student (e.g., a MCCN employee, vendor, contractor or subcontractor), the Director of Compliance and Safety will inform the complainant of the right to pursue a complaint using the appropriate process and refer and guide the complainant to the appropriate process. If the responding party is a student at another college, the Director of Compliance and Safety will assist the student in reporting the conduct to their home school.

If you have experienced an incident, you are encouraged to seek support as needed for your health and safety regardless of when the incident occurred. This information is intended to make you aware of the various support options available to you so you can make informed choices about where to turn for help.

If it’s an emergency, dial 9-1-1 for immediate assistance.

A person who has been the victim/survivor of an offense is urged to seek appropriate medical evaluation immediately, ideally within 96 hours of the incident.

Call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest hospital emergency department. Mount Carmel Hospitals and Fairfield Medical Center have emergency room specialists trained to treat Sexual Assault victims.

At the hospital, you may decide whether or not to receive a medical exam. A medical exam treats the full extent of any injury or physical trauma. In the case of sexual assault, the exam includes:

  • considering the possibilities of sexually transmitted disease or pregnancy, and
  • properly preserving evidence in case you decide to pursue a criminal investigation

You can decide to have a medical exam but decide not to have the evidence collected. If you decide to have evidence collected, you can choose not to pursue criminal charges and/or not to partake in a police report. The medical exam will help keep the option to pursue criminal charges open, should you decide to do so later.

Medical providers at hospitals must call police when a suspected sexual assault or felony level physical assault takes place. You still can choose not to talk to the police and/or not to pursue criminal charges. You also can choose to remain anonymous on the police report.

If you have not changed clothes, bring a change of clothes with you to the hospital, if possible, as they will likely keep the clothes you are wearing as evidence.

You can take a support person with you to the hospital, and they can accompany you through the exam. There also may be an advocate available at the hospital.

Student Counseling Services

MCCN offers a Student Behavioral Health Counselor. The Counselor can be reached at 614.234.4752 or via email at

Mount Carmel Health

The Mount Carmel Crime and Trauma Assistance Program (CTAP) provides support and assistance for victims of assault. CTAP can be reached at 614.234.5900.

Off-Campus Resources

The Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) maintains a 24-hour rape crisis helpline at 614.267.7020.

CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence maintains a 24-Hour Crisis Hotline at 614.224.4663

Victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking can apply for a restraining order (Civil or Domestic) at Franklin County Court of Common Pleas at 373 S. High Street or the appropriate court in the county in which the incident occurred. The MCCN Director of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator can assist with protective measures and can be reached at or 614.234.5021.

MCCN provides a number of interim support services, upon request, to students who have been involved in Title IX situations. Students may, upon request, obtain interim support services, such as changing academic, residential, working, and transportation circumstances from the Title IX Coordinator. No police report, disciplinary complaint or investigation need occur before this option is available. The Title IX Coordinator will exercise discretion and sensitivity about sharing the identity of the victim/survivor when arranging for interim support services. A victim/survivor can access these services at any time, even if the student initially declined the service.

These services may include the following:

  • Changing residence hall assignments so that neither party shares the same residence hall (available to residential students)
  • Changing class assignments so that the parties do not share the same classes (available to instructional staff and students)
  • Providing academic support services including tutoring
  • Changing the students’ work situation (Available to Trinity Colleagues)
  • Transportation/parking options
  • Prohibiting any contact between the parties
  • Assisting the victim/survivor in obtaining a MCCN no-contact order or a court issued restraining order or other lawful order of protection.
  • Accused/responding students have access to all of the same counseling and legal support options as the victim/survivor. In addition, interim support measures are also available to an accused/responding party.
  • A presumption of responsibility should not be made as the result of any allegations. In the event that a student is accused of a Title IX violation and a disciplinary complaint is filed, the accused will be encouraged to seek advice from a member of the MCCN community and is entitled to the same information as the accuser. An accused student has a right to know the name of the reporter (and victim/survivor if different from the reporter) and information regarding the nature of the allegations in order to respond to the complaint; thus MCCN may not be able to pursue discipline and maintain the confidentiality of the reporter (and victim/survivor if different from the reporter). MCCN may take other steps to limit the effects of the alleged Title IX violation and prevent its recurrence.

The following resources may or may not be confidential. Please contact the source directly to verify confidentiality.

The following national resources offer information or services to those who have experienced a broad range of behavior, including discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence and stalking. These resources are independent of MCCN and do not necessarily reflect the views of MCCN.

24-Hour Hotlines

  • Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Rape Crisis Line: 888.385.4657
  • Lifeline (Suicide): 800.273.8255
  • Access and Crisis Line (Mental Health Crisis and Referrals): 888.724.7240
  • Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN): 800.656.HOPE
  • 211 (General Resources and Referrals): 211
  • Child Help USA (Child Abuse Crisis and Referrals): 800.422.4453
  • Child Abuse Hotline (Reporting Child Abuse): 800.344.6000
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.SAFE
  • National Teen (and Young Adult) Dating Abuse Helpline 866.331.9474 or text "loveis" to 22522
  • Netcare 24 Hour Crisis Line 614.276.CARE (2273) or 888.276.CARE (2273)
  • Shalom Task Force National domestic abuse hotline serving the Jewish community 888.883.2323
  • Stalking Resource Center: Crime Victim Hotline (855) 4-VICTIM / 855.484.2846

The Coordinator's responsibilities include oversight of all Title IX complaints, identifying and addressing any patterns or systematic problems that arise during the review of the complaints, and coordination of training, education, communications and administration of Title IX procedures for faculty, staff, students and other members of the College community.

Director of Compliance and Safety/Title IX Coordinator
Mitch Joseph-Kemplin

Actual Knowledge and Notice of Incident

A student making a report to Administrative Staff Leadership, as defined on the MCCN website at (with exception of the Board of Trustees) constitutes actual knowledge of an alleged violation of this policy. Individuals listed on that website have been instructed to immediately inform the Title IX Coordinator/Director of Safety and Compliance of any such reports made.

All faculty and staff members are considered “Responsible Employees”, and have an obligation set by MCCN to report incidents to the Director of Compliance and Safety. However, reports made to faculty and staff other than those listed above do not qualify as MCCN actual notice as those staff members may not be in a position to institute corrective measures on MCCN’s behalf. Students should also not consider those individuals to be confidential resources.

It's on Us

MCCN has created the Changing Campus Culture Committee as part of a state initiative to strengthen its ability to better respond to, and ultimately prevent, sexual violence on the state’s college campuses. As part of the initiative, MCCN participated in the 2017 Campus Climate Survey. All Ohio campuses were encouraged to participate in 13 common benchmark questions associated with recommendation #1 in the Changing Campus Culture Report: use data to guide action. The purpose of the benchmark questions was to provide the Ohio Department of Higher Education with a common set of data to measure statewide progress in addressing prevention and response to sexual violence, and to track trends over time. Two hundred forty students from MCCN participated. MCCN will disseminate a Campus Climate Survey to all students to continue to get a better gauge of the needs of our community.

The Changing Campus Culture Committee is also part of the It’s On Us campaign, which was launched based on recommendations from the White House Task Force to Prevent Sexual Assault that noted the importance of engaging everyone in the conversation to end sexual violence. Take the pledge at

MCCN offers a variety and education and training opportunities throughout the academic year that are available to all members of the campus community, such as: dynamic and professional speakers on topics like: Trauma Informed Care, Survivor Empowerment, Bystander Intervention, Sexual Violence and Anti-Oppression, etc. Please see various College Announcements to advertise these opportunities.

All new students will go through training at Orientation to cover Title IX, Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Anti-Retaliation, as well as Sexual and Domestic Violence Education and Bystander Intervention training.

In addition, all students and employees are required to participate in annual mandatory online training through Workplace/Campus Answers, as follows:

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in all educational programs or activities. This includes prohibiting discrimination against pregnant and parenting students.

For more information please see the this document from the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students.

If you are/become pregnant during your time as a student at MCCN, and are in need of support, please contact your Title IX Coordinator:

Director of Compliance and Safety/Title IX Coordinator
Mitch Joseph-Kemplin

Mother’s Room (lactation/nursing room)
Located on the first floor of Marian Hall. Access to this space can be provided by visiting the Marian Hall front desk
4th floor
127 South Davis Avenue
Columbus, OH 43222

This is a private space for breastmilk pumping with an arm chair, side table, and outlet for a breast pump.

All MCCN students and colleagues can reserve this space by making a reservation at the following link (the key must be picked up at the 3rd floor front desk for access to the room):

The Clery Act is a federal law that promotes campus safety by ensuring that students, employees, parents and the community are well-informed about public safety and crime prevention matters at colleges and universities.

By October 1 of each year, colleges and universities must submit a summary of required information which includes the past three calendar years of campus crime statistics in specified crime categories, fire safety data and certain safety policy statements.

The institution must make this report available to the campus community including current and prospective students and families, faculty and staff.

View MCCN’s most recent Clery Report.

If a report of a Sexual or Interpersonal Offense reveals there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees on campus or that an on-going serious or continuing threat to the campus community exists, an Emergency Notification or a Campus Crime Alert will be issued. The purpose of a Campus Crime Alert is to enable persons to protect themselves, heighten safety awareness, and seek information that will lead to an arrest and conviction of the perpetrator. The victim's/survivor's name and other personally identifying information will NOT be included in any Emergency Notification or Crime Alert.

For more information on the Clery Act, Campus Crime Alerts, and Emergency Notifications, please visit the Emergency Notification and Response Policy, which can be found here: Compliance Policies, and Communications Alert System.

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