The cohort of an institution includes all first-time full-time degree or certificate-seeking undergraduate students that began in the stated cohort year. 1

Undergraduate Students
Graduation Rates: Cohort Year 2016
Description Revised 2016 Cohort Total Completers within 150% of Normal Time Total Transfer-Out Students (non-completers)2 2016 Cohort Graduation Rate % Transfer-Out Rate % 2 Total 4-Year Graduation Rate (2013-2016)
Graduation rate within 150% of normal time to completion 352 262 0 74% 8% 74%
Graduation rates by gender*
Men 5 3 0 60% 40% 63%
Women 94 61 0 65% 28% 75%
Graduation rates by race/ethnicity*
American Indian/Alaska Native 0 - 0 - N/A
Asian 0 - 0 - - 100%
Black Non-Hispanic 5 * 0 * - 82%
Hispanic 2 * 0 * - *
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0 - 0 - - *
White Non-Hispanic 88 58 0 66% - 75%
Two or more races 3 * 0 * - *
Race/Ethnicity Unknown 1 * 0 * - *
Non-Resident Alien 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A - N/A

* Not shown to protect privacy - number of cases is less than 5.

Source: IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey, calculation of graduation and 4 year average rates, 2022-2023 data collection.

Undergraduate Graduation Rates: Cohort Year 2015 Financial Aid
Description Revised 2016 Cohort Total Completers within 150% of Normal Time Graduation Rate %
Pell Recipients 32 13 41%
Received Stafford Loan but not Pell 30 21 70%
Received Neither Pell nor Stafford Loan 37 30 81%



M.S. Graduation Rates: Cohort Year 2016
Description Revised 2016 Cohort Total Completers within 150% of Normal Time Graduatioan Rate %
M.S. Degree Students 84 69 82%

Source: MCCN Office of Institutional Effectiveness

1 During the Fall Semester of 2016, a total of 156 new students (first-time and transfer) entered Mount Carmel College of Nursing. After 6 years (as of August 1, 2022), 65% of those students had graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

2 Mount Carmel College of Nursing does not issue Immigration Form I-20 from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Therefore, the College does not enroll U.S. Nonresident students.

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scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


years of educating nurses


of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)