The holiday season is a wonderful time to give and to give back, and here at MCCN, we have had several opportunities to do so and...

The Carmel Rapper reprints this article that appeared in the November issue of Mount Carmel West’s newsletter, The Guardian, because we...

On Monday, November 6, Laura Lawrence, BSN, RN, student health nurse; Meredith Douds, BSN, RN, instructor; and students who attended the Costa Rica...

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students, I trust that everyone’s Thanksgiving was delicious and family-filled, and that you are now preparing to...

In the spirit of comradery and encouragement, MCCN-Lancaster sophomore students all donned t-shirts to support their fellow classmate, Grace, as she...

The Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) of OhioHealth is the sexual violence intervention and prevention program serving Columbus...

Dannielle Moore, representative of "Be the Match" for bone marrow donation spoke to the SNAM-Lancaster group to outline the process for bone...

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