Kathy Duke, MSN, RN

Kathy Duke, MSN, RN

Adjunct Faculty
Office: Marian Hall 4C17

Institution Degree Graduation Date
The Ohio State University BA 1975
Columbus State Community College ADN 2005
Capital University BSN 2009
Capital University MSN 2014
  • NURS 204: Foundations-Health Assessment
  • NURS 205: Foundations- Caring Practice
  • NURS 309: Caring Practice-Adult I
  • NURS 308: Caring Practice-Mental Health
  • NURS 398: SDAP Caring Practice-Mental Health
  • NURS 402: Caring Within the Leadership Role
  • NURS 410: Caring Practice-Health Assessment
  • NURS 360: Nurse Research Evidence-Based Practice
Institution Position Start Date End Date
Ohio Health - McConnell Heart Health Center Aquatic exercise instructor and personal trainer 2000 Present
Capital University Lab and Skills Instructor 2009 2015
Ohio Health - Community and Congregational Partners Parish nurse & cardiovascular/biometric tester & educator 2010 2016
Position Year
McConnell Heart Health Center’s 5K Walk-Run volunteer
Junior League of Columbus
Provided support for the Avondale Christmas Giving Tree program
HLTH 292 (Cultural Competence) Nursing Panel event
MCCN’s Explore Nursing Day volunteer
March of Dimes volunteer
Provided financial support for the MCCN student activity van.
American Nurses Association
American Holistic Nurses Association
Sigma Theta Tau- Theta Theta Theta and Rho Omicron chapters
United Way
Columbus Folk Music Society

February 22, 2018 “Comparison of Diets and Types of Conflict Influencing Diet Selection” Aimee Shea MPH, RDN, CSO, LD; Dale Hilty PhD.; & Kathy Duke MSN, BA, RN.

Why Choose Us


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


student-to-faculty ratio


of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)