Mount Carmel Safety & Security wishes everyone happy holidays. As you go about this holiday season, please remember these personal safety tips:

  • Use the buddy system whenever possible when walking to your car. On campus and on hospital property, Security is available for protective escorts as appropriate.
  • Always have your keys in hand when going to or from your vehicle. Check the interior of the car before entering – be alert!
  • Try to park your vehicle in a lighted area. When walking out into a parking lot, walk down the center of the aisle and not next to parked vehicles.
  • If you have a cell phone, be sure to carry it on you and not in your purse. Most of all, if someone grabs your purse, LET IT GO! A purse and contents can be replaced.
  • Perpetrators look for easy prey. Walk with confidence, with your head up.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and remain alert at all times.
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Pay for purchases using check or debit/credit cards when possible.
  • If gifts are brought to campus, please ensure you lock the items up appropriately or keep them within view/your possession as you would with your personal valuables.
  • If you are out shopping, it is best to lock purchased items (gifts) in the trunk, out of sight.
  • Ensure office doors/lockers are properly secured.

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