Get more out of your College experience by joining the Student Ambassador program!

Ambassadors lead by example, setting a high standard of excellence, and personally developing their leadership skills.

Ambassadors serve by giving back to MCCN through representation at various College functions including Open House sessions, Excellence in Nursing Awards, Alumni Weekend and College ceremonies.

Ambassadors inspire others to be involved, give back and be the best student, nurse, leader and friend they can be.

For a chance to lead, serve and inspire, your GPA must be above a 2.5 and your skills should include excellent communication and being outgoing, responsible and enthusiastic. If this describes you, being a Student Ambassador is for you!

The Admissions Office is now accepting applications for the paid Student Ambassador positions. Applications are available in the Main Lobby of Marian Hall. They are due on Friday, November 13 at noon to Paige Kiley’s mailbox. Please feel free to contact Paige Kiley at (614) 234-5419 or Kim Campbell at (614) 234-5144 with any questions!

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scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


student-to-faculty ratio


years of educating nurses