Library Hours

  • Monday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Who's New in the Library – 2016-17

Say hello to our new Library work study students Sydney Cira and Abby Humphey.Glorya Albertini, Taylor O'Dell and Christina Winecoff are returning this year.All are happy to assist you with many things, including checking out a book or laptop or accessing a database or basic reference guidance.

We also want to welcome our Cristo Rey High School students who will be with us through Spring 2017.Miriam Addo, Jacob Bullard, Mariel Dillon and Cailyn Walker each spend one day a week at the Library assisting at the circulation desk, answering phones and learning about working in a professional environment. It is all part of Cristo Rey's unique program where every student has a work-study position. Please stop by and greet our dedicated students.

MCCN-FMC Students – You Can Access Library 24/7!

All registered MCCN-FMC students have access to the Library 24/7! You can access the Library by swiping your MCCN badge at the 3rd floor Library entrance only.All MCCN students must wear badges, chest level, when visiting the Library. For your safety, doors to the Library and CLE will lock at 5 p.m. and require a badge swipe to enter.

Ice Cream Social

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Many MCCN students and staff helped the Library say goodbye to summer with an Ice Cream Social on Thursday, September 22.Library staff served up scoops of sherbet and ice cream and asked clients for their opinions on new services.Tours of the new Mother's Rooms were also offered.

Use Your Library at Home

As an MCCN student, you automatically have a Library account, which gives virtual access to electronic books and journals, databases and other online resources.For more details on utilizing the Library from home, visit the Off-Campus Access Page.

Library Services

Professional Library staff is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.We offer Librarian On Demand Service – follow this link to schedule a time:

Any Questions?

Connect with us by chat/text, e-mail or call, and you are more than welcome to visit us anytime. Most of the answers you can find at our website at

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