“A few students are just beginning to realize that college-level science classes are very different from those they had in high school – but that’s not a problem for those who seek out help,” says Anne Hinze, MA, coordinator of MCCN’s Academic Resource Center (ARC). She urges students to take action early if they feel themselves slipping, or if their grades don’t meet their expectations.

“The first line of defense is to always be sure you’re attending classes regularly and are taking advantage of your instructors’ office hours and review sessions, because instructors are the best resource for each subject area,” she says.

Anne, who earned a master’s degree in English Literature and taught English composition for more than 20 years – most recently at Ohio University – knows all about the challenges of being a student, because she is one. Currently, she is working toward a Master of Science in Academic Advising at Kansas State University, where she says she also learns from her fellow students.

In addition to peer-to-peer tutoring and faculty coaching, ARC also offers study groups for SCIE 123 Anatomy & Physiology, as well as and workshops on a variety of topics, including APA Format and VARK Learning Styles, as well as self-help on the website, including:

Study Skills – links on ARC’s CARMELink page offer easy access to helpful information, including:

  • Time Management
  • Learning Preferences
  • Reading Skills
  • Note Taking
  • Starting Your Own Study Group

Writing Support – links on ARC’s CARMELink page offer easy access to helpful information, including:

  • APA Style, including an example APA paper
  • Purdue OWL
  • Editing and proofreading advice
  • Writing a synthesis
  • Sign up help for free Grammarly account, which allows students to upload papers and receive a report on grammar mistakes, instances of word repetition, awkward sentence structure, and misused words, among other things.

Test-Taking Skills – tips are also available on ARC’s CARMELink page.

“MCCN is a busy place, and for first-year students especially, there can be a huge learning curve. Students need to be responsible for using their time effectively and keeping themselves motivated. Some students who come to ARC are just looking for someone to hold them accountable and give them encouragement, and – we’re happy to do that for them,” adds Anne, who also provides Graduate Advising.

The academic rigor in college classes is so much more intense and, most importantly, the future application of knowledge garnered – in providing excellent, compassionate and evidence-based care for patients – demands that everyone put forth their absolute best effort now.

At the Academic Resource Center– located in CLE 207 – peer tutors and faculty coaches are available to provide assistance for students in just about any topic. Simply go to CARMELink, view the calendar and call 614-234-3654, email academicresources@mccn.edu or drop by ARC to schedule an appointment for one-on-one help or to attend a study group or workshop. All are welcome.

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