As part of our ongoing series of faculty and staff profiles, this month we feature Brigit Duggan, RPh, MS, RN, CNE, assistant professor.
Name: Brigit Duggan
Nickname: My friends tend to call me whatever they want.
Hometown: Lapeer, Michigan
Alma Mater: Take your pick: Lapeer High School, The Ohio State University, Mount Carmel College of Nursing
I can’t live without: Physically: Water. Mentally: The great outdoors. Emotionally: Singing. Spiritually: Jesus Christ.
If I could spend the day with one person it would be: My appointment with Jesus lasts forever, so for one day, Abraham Lincoln. I’d like to understand how he managed to keep this country from being utterly destroyed from within.
If I could travel anywhere, I would go to: Red Rocks Wildlife Refuge, Montana.
When I have down time, I: Down time? BWAHAHAHAHA! That’s why I’m retiring.
My favorite movie is: The Best Years of Our Lives – a great classic movie.
The quote I tend to live by is: “When all is said and done, there’s usually more said than done.”
I am a nurse educator because: God opened the door.
The best advice I could give to incoming freshmen is: Keep moving forward.
One thing you may not know about me is: I want to remain an enigma.