Keely Ingram

As part of our ongoing series of student profiles, this month we feature Keely Ingram, a junior student at the Lancaster campus.

Name: Keely Ingram

Nickname: Kee

Hometown: Logan, Ohio

I can’t live without: Coffee and my phone (guilty)

If I could spend the day with one person it would be: It wouldn’t be one specific person but I would love to spend the day with a Transplant Team. To me it’s fascinating to see a person be able to give another person a second chance at a better quality of life.

If I could travel anywhere, I would go to: Ireland! I hear it’s absolutely breathtaking!

When I have down time, I: Love to read! I can’t get enough of the current book I’m reading, Dreamland by Sam Quinones. It’s about the current opiate epidemic in America.

My favorite movie is: Dirty Dancing!

The quote I tend to live by is: “Start each day with a grateful heart.”

I want to be a nurse because: As a nurse you have the knowledge and power to change someone’s life. You are trusted by your patients and their families to make a difference in their care. It’s a satisfying feeling going home after a day of work knowing you made a difference to someone who is at a hard spot in their life. It’s a very selfless job and one to take extreme pride in.

After I graduate I want to: Become a practicing nurse, I'm leaning more towards the Surgical Nursing aspect of things. After that I would like to go back to get my master’s in education and become a nurse educator.

One thing you may not know about me is: In March of this year I was recently diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and I'm currently learning the ins and outs of my new diagnosis.

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