The Carmel Rapper asked senior students to offer a bit of helpful advice to incoming freshmen, keeping in mind what their own first days at “the Mount” were like. Here is what they said:

Andy Harper

Get involved and learn from each experience. Remember to be patient and to always take time for yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself. Just know that you will get there and remember to take time along the way to appreciate each moment of your journey.

Haley Robison

When I started at MCCN, I could not help but feel overwhelmed. I had recently entered adulthood and had no concept of balance or what it took to have success. I quickly realized that in order to be as successful as possible I could not bury myself in my education alone. There had to be a balance or the demand of nursing education would get the best of me. So my advice would be to find that balance. Hang out with your friends. Spend time with your family. Be involved in what you love to do, but know there always has to be a “give and take.” Once you have your priorities in place and a balance in your school/work/personal life, then you WILL be successful and you WILL be on your way to saving lives and making a difference!

Trisha Schemine

Pay attention during class and take good notes. Prepare yourself the night before clinical by looking up what the diagnosis is and what assessments you will need to focus on. Take time to plan out what your day will look like. Make sure you work hard at the beginning of each semester so you aren't in a position of needing to raise your grade at the end. Also, take time to enjoy yourself instead of getting too stressed out.

Dessalegn Zeleke

Nursing school is challenging, but exciting at the same time. I know going to college is hard with a job and family to take care of, but it’s worth it. Keep a positive attitude and you will definitely make it. Some of you may not be working in a hospital or a nursing home, and so might not have the medical experience, but this should not be a barrier to earning your degree in nursing. And, don’t be afraid to ask your professors for help when you need it. The most important thing is being organized and developing good study habits. Another important thing that helped me a lot is joining study groups. Your study group should have three to five members, because if you keep the study group small, then everyone will have a chance to participate. And, being small helps the group work effectively. Also, it is very helpful to read chapters before lectures, because you will already be familiar with the subject and better able to follow the instructor. Believe in yourself and don’t give up. Times are going to get tough, so remember the reason why you wanted to become a nurse. Make time to relax and remind yourself: you are not the only one going through this. Finally, be proud that you are in Mount Carmel College of Nursing, which is one of the best nursing schools around!

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