Have you ever been to the ARC? Anne Hinze, MA, MS, Academic Resource Center coordinator, is passionate about helping students along their educational journey to become the best nurse possible.

According to Hinze, “There will always be others who know more than you – seek them out! Think of these people as your ‘academic personal trainers.’” Hinze also suggests making visits to the ARC a regular part of students’ schedules in order to grasp foundational concepts upon which to build and to build confidence. Even if a student is not struggling academically, visits to the ARC can show commitment to learning and create relationships with faculty and other students. These concepts are illustrated in the Mission of the ARC: “The mission of the Academic Resource Center is to assist students in their efforts to become more confident and independent learners. Our goal is to provide and help integrate effective learning and study strategies while also helping to clarify and reinforce course content, assignments and material.”

The Academic Resource Center offers the following services

Faculty Coaches: Faculty coaches provide individual or small-group instruction in all academic areas. Designated faculty members who are affiliated with the ARC conduct coaching sessions.

Peer Tutors: Typically, peer tutors are students who have been recommended by faculty based on their exceptional academic performance. The tutors conduct individual and group tutoring sessions, usually for courses they have already completed and in which they know what it takes to be successful.

Study groups: Study Group Sessions have been established for a few specific courses at MCCN. As the need arises, the ARC will create more groups for more courses, as well as provide students with the tools to conduct their own study groups independent of the ARC. Please see our CARMELink page for more information.

Students can visit Anne, faculty and peer tutors in the ARC on the second floor of the Center for Learning and Education (CLE) building.

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